Turf Maintenance

With your new lawn in place, it is vital that you take care of the turf to ensure that it remains in peak condition. Below are a few tips on how to keep your lawn healthy.


Once your new turf has been laid, it will require a good soaking, using either a garden hose or a sprinkler.

To make sure that you have applied enough water, lift up a corner of the turf and check that the water has seeped through to the soil. Watering must continue until the turf has established and roots have formed with the soil below.

Being in Scotland, the rain will do most of the watering for you but it is still important to remember and check that the turf is getting enough water.

If there are any signs of turf drying out (e.g. gaps between the turf or going brown around the edges), water it immediately. Try to avoid walking on your lawn too much during the first week


We recommend that you do not mow your new lawn until it has rooted. This can be easily checked by lifting up a corner of the turf to see if the roots have attached to the soil.

When you do begin mowing your lawn, it is important that it is not scalped.

We advise mowing often, at least once a week during the first few weeks, removing no more than a third of the grass height. Once established, the grass height can be gradually reduced to the ideal height, between 25mm and 35mm.


We recommend you use a pre-turfing fertilizer prior to laying your turf, see our products list.

We do recommend an application of fertiliser every three months to ensure your lawn receives the correct nutrients to maintain a healthy shine. Lawn feeds are available from garden centres and manufacturer guidelines should always be followed.

Regular mowing, feeding, scarifying and weed, pest and disease control will all contribute towards keeping your lawn in prime condition.

Contact Albar Turf

For further information on our turf supply or landscaping services throughout Scotland then please contact Albar Turf on 0141 881 1371, email us at info@albarturf.co.uk or complete our online Enquiry Form.

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